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Call Now 07436802755

Open Hours  8 am-11 pm 

Evening Calls Also Very popular 

Friendly Experts Waiting For Your Call 

For a free appraisal of the application you wish to object to.
Call or Email us the application details.
Professional Planning Objection Letter 
Stop that planning proposal !!
How do you get it refused?
You need to object to this planning application NOW !!!!!
Local Councils 
Local Councils take planning objections letters very seriously, professional objection letters are a must.
If you don't object to the application, the application has a greater chance of being approved.
Why use our services 

- No upfront fees; you only pay upon submission
- Having worked with your local Council we are very familiar with the local planning policy that are applicable.
- Chartered planners with with 20 years of expertise
- Transparency and client satisfaction are our priorities.
How we work
Review application - 
  1. We will review  your objections to the application, please email your objections along with your address
  2. We will review the material planning issues
  3. Review planning history of the site
  4. Research any relevant local and national planning policy
  5. Create doubt and weaknesses in applications
  6. Preparation of a draft robust objection letter
  7. After your approval of the draft letter, we will send an electronic copy of the objection letter to the Council
Get In Touch Call Now 07436802755
Using our professional planning objection service.
Will increase the chance of the planning application being refused.
Governmental planning red-tape can be cumbersome and appear complex.
Obtain free advice now  0800 456 1060 
 It is also important to remember that planning applications and appeals can have a profound effect on people’s homes, as well as their lives.
How To Help Stop Planning.
Allow our service to Create Doubt & Weaknesses In Applications.
Do Encourage Your Neighbours to Object
Planning objections must be determined based on their relevant merits, and that is why your neighbors should be encouraged to also make a strong objection letter. 
This is especially true for local planning committees, as their members are usually very sensitive to local concerns with regards to inappropriate development in the area. So, rally up the neighbors and get them to write in with their objections. However, as tempting as it might seem, do not start a petition. They carry no weight and end up being a waste of time. All letters should also be unique as opposed to based on one template. It’s more authentic and certainly holds the attention of the council better.

Who uses our professional objection letter service?

We represent neighbours, community groups, residents groups, Parish Councils, Community Councils, as well as businesses to provide strong opposition to inappropriate development. 
As we are qualified planners, we are also instructed by Solicitors, Architects and Surveyors to provide robust objection letters on behalf of their clients. 

It is sensible to hire an expert.

If you have serious concerns, because doing it yourself may result in you taking the wrong steps towards trying to solve the problem. This is why Planning Objection Letters was created; to give local people access to professional planning representation at an affordable price. We are here to help you and no one else.


Don’t Make it Personal
Of course, it is your objection letter so you can say what you want. However, you must remember to stay within reason. Content that is potentially libelous or offensive will likely not be published, or they may be rejected altogether. You should also refrain from criticizing the applicant or appellant at any point, even if it is justified. This is because the results are determined based on their planning merits, and personal issues will immediately be disregarded.
Your letter should focus on the benefits of refusing the planning, and why the application should be denied. The objections should come across as balanced and logical, with detailed and well-thought arguments. Consider public interest and how the local community could be impacted by the approval of the planning permission or appeal.
Avoid focusing on issues such as land ownership and the effects of the proposal on the value of the neighboring property. Councils have little interest in this and see this as a personal motive instead of a genuine one. You must also refrain from talking about any personal circumstances of the applicant. Remain neutral, as though you do not even know them personally, and your letter will gain better results.
Do Justify Your Objections
Where possible, make sure you try to support your objections with evidence and analysis. It is here that professional help can really make a difference, as they are trained to find these things and make detailed notes. However, if you have decided to represent yourself, you should take the time to carefully look through the council’s website and learn all of their planning policies.
You should pay extra attention to those that deal with design, character and appearance, and residential amenities. This is because they are the most common grounds for objection from local residents and third parties, so will likely be useful to you. It is then possible for you to use this new information to explain why you feel the proposal is contradictory to specific planning policies.
While the likely effect on residential amenity is an important consideration, you also have to take into account the following that should not be mentioned:
-        An adverse effect on property values
-        Potential infringement on the land of others
Development Plan
You should have a development plan that you can refer to. For each of the points that you make, you must explain why it is contrary to the development plan and then list the relevant policy reference. It is also important to take the time to try and respond to any development plans that conflict with your personal views, going on to make it clear as to why you consider them to be less relevant in determining the outcome of the application.
With regards to the development plan itself, it is essential that you distinguish between the adopted plan and the emerging plan. The former of these tend to be the one that holds the most weight, but an emerging plan at an advanced stage can also be beneficial. If you are ever in double, you can ask the case officer or refer to the policies within both plans (a stronger option).
You need to use evidence to support your points, instead of just making an argument that cannot be backed up. It doesn’t matter if you know it’s true without evidence. If it is possible, it is good to be able to refer to planning case law on an equivalent matter. If you need help with this process, you can contact our team on 0800 456 060.
To Submit Your Objection Letter on Time
All representations on planning applications and appeals must be submitted in writing, and they cannot be accepted in any other form. You must make note of the deadline for submitting your objections, providing yourself with plenty of time to draft the letter or seek help from a professional in the field.
Your local authorities should accept any letters that are submitted after the deadline as long as the results of the planning application have not yet been determined. However, it looks better on you if you submit it on time, and it also more likely to be read. 
Conservation Area
If the proposed development is set for a Conservation Area, or it would impact the status of a listed building (examples being a building on the statutory list of buildings, or one of special architectural/historical interest), you may find further grounds for objection. This would be relating to the effect of the development on the character or appearance of the Conservation Area or the setting of a particular listed building. Similar conditions also apply for sites that are officially designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
Keep Objections relevant to Planning
Just remember that there is no point in putting things in your letter that are not relevant to planning, as the Council can only take planning issues into account. By law, they cannot and must not be allowed to be influenced by other considerations unless they are relevant to planning.

How long do I have to object to a planning application?  Normally 21 days
Can personal illness be taken into account when objecting?.

Sorry illness would not be taken into account as a reason for refusing a application.

When applications are approved can I appeal? 

There is no third party right of appeal.
If you feel the local council planning department or committee have made a mistake in planning policy or not followed correct procedure.
A planning decision may be challenged in the court. Be aware this will be very expensive and take time and an error in law needs to have taken place.

The following cannot be considered when objecting.

My property may devalue.
Loss of view but you can object on loss of outlook.
Private matters, disputes, covenants.
Covenant issues are considered more of a civil matter.
Loss of profit for developers.
Personal matters.
Building regulations.

Loss of trade to a competitor.
Professional Planning Objection Letters
Get In Touch
Request a call back
Evenings 6pm - 2am

The owner of this company has over 10 years experience working at a senior level in a Council planning department.

He now specialises in Planning Objection Letters and is very successful, benefiting from his previous planning experience. He is a qualified and Chartered Town Planner.

I the proud owner of local-2u (this website) have known and worked with the company for nearly 5 years
I have found them to honest, reliable, and professional.




Our Major Services:
Planning ObjectionsProfessional Planning Objection LetterPlanning Objection LettersHow To Write An Objection To A Planning ApplicationObjection To Planning ApplicationObject Planning ApplicationObject To Planning PermissionHow To Object To Planning PermissionPlanning Permission AppealPlanning Appeal SpecialistsPlanning Appeal ExpertNo Win No Fee Planning AppealsPlanning Appeals No Win No FeeHelp Planning AppealsPlanning Appeal Success RatePlanning Appeal ConsultantPlanning Appeals GuidanceHow To Object To A Planning ApplicationComment On Planning ApplicationsHow To Stop Planning PermissionHow to Stop Planning ApplicationsHow To Block Planning PermissionPlanning EnforcementCost Enforcement Notice AppealPlanning Permission Objections Neighbours



Enquiry Form

Enquiry Form

Call Now 07436802755

Open Hours  8 am-11 pm 

Evening Calls Also Very popular 

Friendly Experts Waiting For Your Call 

For a free appraisal of the application you wish to object to.
Call or Email us the application details.
Professional Planning Objection Letter 
Stop that planning proposal !!
How do you get it refused?
You need to object to this planning application NOW !!!!!
Local Councils 
Local Councils take planning objections letters very seriously, professional objection letters are a must.
If you don't object to the application, the application has a greater chance of being approved.
Why use our services 

- No upfront fees; you only pay upon submission
- Having worked with your local Council we are very familiar with the local planning policy that are applicable.
- Chartered planners with with 20 years of expertise
- Transparency and client satisfaction are our priorities.
How we work
Review application - 
  1. We will review  your objections to the application, please email your objections along with your address
  2. We will review the material planning issues
  3. Review planning history of the site
  4. Research any relevant local and national planning policy
  5. Create doubt and weaknesses in applications
  6. Preparation of a draft robust objection letter
  7. After your approval of the draft letter, we will send an electronic copy of the objection letter to the Council
Get In Touch Call Now 07436802755
Using our professional planning objection service.
Will increase the chance of the planning application being refused.
Governmental planning red-tape can be cumbersome and appear complex.
Obtain free advice now  0800 456 1060 
 It is also important to remember that planning applications and appeals can have a profound effect on people’s homes, as well as their lives.
How To Help Stop Planning.
Allow our service to Create Doubt & Weaknesses In Applications.
Do Encourage Your Neighbours to Object
Planning objections must be determined based on their relevant merits, and that is why your neighbors should be encouraged to also make a strong objection letter. 
This is especially true for local planning committees, as their members are usually very sensitive to local concerns with regards to inappropriate development in the area. So, rally up the neighbors and get them to write in with their objections. However, as tempting as it might seem, do not start a petition. They carry no weight and end up being a waste of time. All letters should also be unique as opposed to based on one template. It’s more authentic and certainly holds the attention of the council better.

Who uses our professional objection letter service?

We represent neighbours, community groups, residents groups, Parish Councils, Community Councils, as well as businesses to provide strong opposition to inappropriate development. 
As we are qualified planners, we are also instructed by Solicitors, Architects and Surveyors to provide robust objection letters on behalf of their clients. 

It is sensible to hire an expert.

If you have serious concerns, because doing it yourself may result in you taking the wrong steps towards trying to solve the problem. This is why Planning Objection Letters was created; to give local people access to professional planning representation at an affordable price. We are here to help you and no one else.


Don’t Make it Personal
Of course, it is your objection letter so you can say what you want. However, you must remember to stay within reason. Content that is potentially libelous or offensive will likely not be published, or they may be rejected altogether. You should also refrain from criticizing the applicant or appellant at any point, even if it is justified. This is because the results are determined based on their planning merits, and personal issues will immediately be disregarded.
Your letter should focus on the benefits of refusing the planning, and why the application should be denied. The objections should come across as balanced and logical, with detailed and well-thought arguments. Consider public interest and how the local community could be impacted by the approval of the planning permission or appeal.
Avoid focusing on issues such as land ownership and the effects of the proposal on the value of the neighboring property. Councils have little interest in this and see this as a personal motive instead of a genuine one. You must also refrain from talking about any personal circumstances of the applicant. Remain neutral, as though you do not even know them personally, and your letter will gain better results.
Do Justify Your Objections
Where possible, make sure you try to support your objections with evidence and analysis. It is here that professional help can really make a difference, as they are trained to find these things and make detailed notes. However, if you have decided to represent yourself, you should take the time to carefully look through the council’s website and learn all of their planning policies.
You should pay extra attention to those that deal with design, character and appearance, and residential amenities. This is because they are the most common grounds for objection from local residents and third parties, so will likely be useful to you. It is then possible for you to use this new information to explain why you feel the proposal is contradictory to specific planning policies.
While the likely effect on residential amenity is an important consideration, you also have to take into account the following that should not be mentioned:
-        An adverse effect on property values
-        Potential infringement on the land of others
Development Plan
You should have a development plan that you can refer to. For each of the points that you make, you must explain why it is contrary to the development plan and then list the relevant policy reference. It is also important to take the time to try and respond to any development plans that conflict with your personal views, going on to make it clear as to why you consider them to be less relevant in determining the outcome of the application.
With regards to the development plan itself, it is essential that you distinguish between the adopted plan and the emerging plan. The former of these tend to be the one that holds the most weight, but an emerging plan at an advanced stage can also be beneficial. If you are ever in double, you can ask the case officer or refer to the policies within both plans (a stronger option).
You need to use evidence to support your points, instead of just making an argument that cannot be backed up. It doesn’t matter if you know it’s true without evidence. If it is possible, it is good to be able to refer to planning case law on an equivalent matter. If you need help with this process, you can contact our team on 0800 456 060.
To Submit Your Objection Letter on Time
All representations on planning applications and appeals must be submitted in writing, and they cannot be accepted in any other form. You must make note of the deadline for submitting your objections, providing yourself with plenty of time to draft the letter or seek help from a professional in the field.
Your local authorities should accept any letters that are submitted after the deadline as long as the results of the planning application have not yet been determined. However, it looks better on you if you submit it on time, and it also more likely to be read. 
Conservation Area
If the proposed development is set for a Conservation Area, or it would impact the status of a listed building (examples being a building on the statutory list of buildings, or one of special architectural/historical interest), you may find further grounds for objection. This would be relating to the effect of the development on the character or appearance of the Conservation Area or the setting of a particular listed building. Similar conditions also apply for sites that are officially designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
Keep Objections relevant to Planning
Just remember that there is no point in putting things in your letter that are not relevant to planning, as the Council can only take planning issues into account. By law, they cannot and must not be allowed to be influenced by other considerations unless they are relevant to planning.

How long do I have to object to a planning application?  Normally 21 days
Can personal illness be taken into account when objecting?.

Sorry illness would not be taken into account as a reason for refusing a application.

When applications are approved can I appeal? 

There is no third party right of appeal.
If you feel the local council planning department or committee have made a mistake in planning policy or not followed correct procedure.
A planning decision may be challenged in the court. Be aware this will be very expensive and take time and an error in law needs to have taken place.

The following cannot be considered when objecting.

My property may devalue.
Loss of view but you can object on loss of outlook.
Private matters, disputes, covenants.
Covenant issues are considered more of a civil matter.
Loss of profit for developers.
Personal matters.
Building regulations.

Loss of trade to a competitor.
Professional Planning Objection Letters
Get In Touch
Request a call back
Evenings 6pm - 2am

The owner of this company has over 10 years experience working at a senior level in a Council planning department.

He now specialises in Planning Objection Letters and is very successful, benefiting from his previous planning experience. He is a qualified and Chartered Town Planner.

I the proud owner of local-2u (this website) have known and worked with the company for nearly 5 years
I have found them to honest, reliable, and professional.




Our Major Services:
Planning ObjectionsProfessional Planning Objection LetterPlanning Objection LettersHow To Write An Objection To A Planning ApplicationObjection To Planning ApplicationObject Planning ApplicationObject To Planning PermissionHow To Object To Planning PermissionPlanning Permission AppealPlanning Appeal SpecialistsPlanning Appeal ExpertNo Win No Fee Planning AppealsPlanning Appeals No Win No FeeHelp Planning AppealsPlanning Appeal Success RatePlanning Appeal ConsultantPlanning Appeals GuidanceHow To Object To A Planning ApplicationComment On Planning ApplicationsHow To Stop Planning PermissionHow to Stop Planning ApplicationsHow To Block Planning PermissionPlanning EnforcementCost Enforcement Notice AppealPlanning Permission Objections Neighbours
